Monday, March 1, 2010

KCSE Results

In roughly one hour, the Kenya Certificates of Secondary Education (KCSE) results will come in. As you walk into Kibera and arrive at the school, you can feel how everyone is anxious for the results... the energy is in the air today. It is a monumental day for KGSA as we have our first graduating class receiving their results.

Obviously there are a lot of questions that are being asked today... Did we do a good enough job? What are we going to do now once we get their scores? Will we have the resources to provide for future schooling for the girls that are graduating?

These questions are good to ask, and will continue to be asked. But today, I want to tell both Abdul and Teka, that no matter what the results are, I want to thank you both for the commitment you have shown to these girls and this community over the past four years (and more). You have sacrificed so much over the years and it is slowly paying off. To think that the girls now have their own magazine, or to think that we now have a science laboratory and a library on the way is incredible! You two are inspiring many people, me included, all around the world and I really hope you know that. You have changed my life & will remain my brothers forever.

with love,



  1. Congratulations to all the graduating girls at KGSA- hope the certificates brought good news!!

    The Westwood Roots and Shoots Group in Denver, CO.

  2. To Teka and Abdul,
    Thank you for the wonderful job you are doing with the girls, In Kenya today we sure need more leaders like you. This year there is a stronger sense of discipline and seriousness when one gets into the school i am very very very sure this year the girls will do much better.

    Keep up the good work.

    Frank Alaro
